No Shows: What Can Staffers Do to Fight It.

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Why are no-shows/no-calls such a prominent issue in the staffing/recruiting community? Firms are seeing an increase of no-shows for scheduled interviews and candidates are dropping off within the first 30-90 day period.

Is a slimmer pool of talent to blame? Is it the rise of technology that encourages a lack of direct communication? What can firms do to try and prevent these numbers from rising?


The 2017 candidate is technologically savvy, an expert multi-tasker and concerned with whether or not a company’s mission aligns with their own morals/beliefs. Company culture, modern benefits (paternity leave, wellness subsidies, etc.) and the overall ease of the hiring process are all factors that are taken into heavy consideration.

They consume information at a rapid rate and will try and learn as much as possible about an organization before making any kind of decision. In fact, 64% of candidates said they research a company online first and 37% said they’d move onto another offer if not enough information is not available. (UpToWork)

We live in an era of instant gratification. Everything happens, pretty much, instantaneously (or at the touch of a button) and candidates have a very short tolerance for time. Research shows it can take up to two months to get hired – from the moment a candidate begins a job search to the point where they receive an offer. A lot can happen in two months…

During the initial application and interview process, candidates tend to drop off quickly. 76% want to know how long the application process will take before it even begins and most rejections tend to occur after applicants undergo 2-3 interviews.



Build Relationships:

We cannot stress this enough… Customer Service is KEY! Taking the time to get to know your candidate on a personal level creates a sense of security and trust between them and your team. Having them understand that you have their best interests in mind, regardless of the outcome, will increase retainment and lower the chances of you or your firm dealing with the firestorm that is an absent or angry candidate.

Streamline the Process:

Take some time to really understand every step of your team’s process. (Even better – pretend you’re a candidate and go through it yourself.) Examining what areas of the process need revisiting, updates or eliminations will save you and your candidate time and frustration.


You can do this by:

1.) Reducing interview time… Are you asking clear, concise questions that yield valuable answers.

2.) Setting clear expectations… Make it absolutely known to the candidate what you are searching for and give them some insight as to what they can expect. Last minute surprises and misinformation can be a big contributor to turnover.

3.) Offer Flexibility… If you don’t already, offer an option for Skype or phone interviews. Follow ups through text messages can also be a great option to reach the unreachable. Understand that there may be a need for after-hours/weekend appointments as well. Schedules can be tight and all modes of communication should be on the table.

4.) Check-in Regularly… There’s no need to babysit a candidate, (employers love an applicant who follows up), but don’t discontinue all communication with them after they’ve spoken to you – follow up with the next steps in their process. This will give you an opportunity to scope the situation and eliminate any concerns the candidate may have (and in turn, uncover any possible red-flags).


Have a backup plan:

It’s simple: having a back-up plan is generally good practice. The smaller the show rate, the larger your roster should be.



  • Knowledge is power. Understand where your process could use improvement and correct it. If possible, follow-up with no-shows to gain some perspective on why they didn’t come in. The more information you have of the situation the more you might be able to control the outcome.


  • Candidates want to feel valued, excited about an opportunity and assured that they’ll at least be treated with respect, regardless of what happens. Though it may be daunting, provide excellent communication from the start of a relationship to its end.


  • Know that sometimes, it’s just not meant to be. Every scenario is different but if someone is that hard to get in touch with… they may not be the right fit anyway.

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