3 Steps to Combat Office BurnOut
We’ve all been there… That moment when we want to give up, move on, or just get plain bored at the office. Lots feel this way, sure, but why is that? Why do we get burned out, sometimes past a point of no return, and risk our health, sanity and not to mention the […]
Bringing Back the HRA and What it Means for your Small Firm
Good news for small businesses and employers who prefer alternative healthcare plans. “Late last year, Congress re-authorized Health Reimbursement Arrangements (HRA) for businesses with fewer than 50 employees. As a result, these firms won’t risk large penalties on payments they provide to workers who purchase their own health insurance. “ Despite news circling the repeal […]
5 Ways to Make Your Mornings the Easiest They’ve Ever Been
Start Your Mornings Off Right the Night Before: Preparing the evening before is key if you want to wake up stress free… 1.) Get a good night’s rest. Exercise at least 2 hours before bed, eat a light dinner and put away your devices in the bedroom (try putting them on Sleep Mode if you […]