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When reaching a certain point in your career, the analysis of your accomplishments moves beyond what takes place in your professional career. Executives love to…

Hire A Shark Internship Program

Looking for Talent? “Hire A Shark Internship Program” Sponsored by CAREERXCHANGE. Are you interested in developing or enhancing your organizations’ internship program? Start here, by…

How Do You Become a Standout Candidate?

Getting a “bite” on a resume can be exciting … and a bit scary. It means that a company is taking interest in you, but…

Do You Conduct Exit Interviews?

Exit Interviews: Why They Work: Sure you have a great company to work for and a great team, but let’s be honest – hardworking people…

How to Get the Most out of Motivational Rewards and Incentives?

In a previous post, we discussed the best ways to motivate workers without having to resort to financial rewards. However, employees can only take so…

Should You Accept A Counteroffer?

So you’ve decided to take that job offer you spent months looking, applying and interviewing for. But hold on a minute. Your current employer suddenly…