Are You Hiring Recent College Grads? Help With the Adjustment

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Unless they’re Doogie Howser MD, everyone graduating from college is a full-grown adult capable of handling the workplace environment.

However, for many young adults, this is the first time in their life that a roadmap of going to classes, doing homework and taking tests isn’t laid out in front of them. This new independence for the educational system can be liberating – but it can also be disorienting, and even a bit scary.

If you’ve decided to infuse your company with the budding talent of a recent college grad, be wary of the transition they’re currently going through, and take a few extra steps to ensure you’re maximizing their work potential.

Develop a Robust On-the-Job Training Program

Unfortunately, college classes are in the business of teaching skills and academic theory – not preparing students for the workforce. Until that disconnect changes, it’s up to businesses like yours to provide graduates with any practical skills they didn’t learn at school.

Develop and implement a robust training program that emulates the standard classroom syllabus, something they’re very familiar with. Set up benchmarks for the program that mark employees’ progress, and provide feedback on their performance.

Make sure the training program has a ‘living syllabus’ – meaning it grows as your industry changes and those who pass through it can provide constructive feedback that gets incorporated.

Give Constant Feedback

Speaking of feedback, recent graduates are used to getting it regularly from their college professors. Whether it’s a grade on a homework assignment or a test score, college students are constantly reminded of their progress in any particular class.

Make it a point to give regular feedback to recent graduates on your workforce. Even just letting them know they are on the right track in their work can go a long way to making them feel at ease and encouraged to take some additional initiative.

Lay Out a Career Path

Recent graduates have always had structure to their life until now. Ease them into the start of their career by establishing a path for them within the company. The path should be based around any personal goals they feel comfortable in sharing with the company. A recent grad may be looking to get management experience, but isn’t particularly worried about pay.

Setting up a clear track for an employee to follow not only makes them feel appreciated, it can also foster long-term loyalty.

Encourage Socialization

In addition to no longer seeing friends and classmates on a regular basis, recent graduates also can’t stay connected online as much while on the clock, especially if your company has a restrictive internet policy.

Encourage the millennials on your staff to participate in any social events outside the office. These events could include participating in corporate fun runs, meeting up at a local cultural event, a night out at the ballpark or company day at the zoo.

We are constantly working with highly-talented recent graduates at CAREERXCHANGE. Feel free to contact us today and we can connect you with the right grad for your company.

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